Sydney Property Accountants

Helping you balance growth while reducing exposure to risk

Property & Construction

Property and Construction can be a lucrative industry depending on the property cycle. In order to be profitable the property and construction industry must manage margins and costs to remain competitive and to fund expansion and growth.

Driving growth while managing risk

Expert advice can help you reduce financial risk and adapt quickly to ensure you effectively manage risk while growing.

Our wealthpreneur® experts in property and construction have years of experience within this industry. Our partners understand the issues and have first hand investment experience in this area, so they know how to avoid the common pitfalls.

We work with all types of property and construction businesses including residential and commercial builders, large scale landscapers and contractors, and property developers.

How wealthpreneur® can help you

Our construction and property specialists can help by providing:

  • A full range of tax, accounting and audit services
  • Specialist tax advice on accounting for income on construction contracts
  • Initial and ongoing finance for property development projects
  • Superannuation structures to assist you with funding


Real Businesses, Real Stories

Success stories from the client we have assisted.

Long term wealthpreneur® clients found an opportunity to purchase a surgery set on 800m2 of land. GST payments on this type of investment can be a major impact on the sale or future expenses.

wealthpreneur® provided assistance to the client before and after the sale by firstly determining whether the land would be subdivided, developed or held as part of the surgery. Then wealthpreneur® checked if the Contract of Sale had GST on the sale. Finally, wealthpreneur® assisted the client with detailed information on the GST Margin Scheme.

Contact our specialist accountants on +612 8896 6166 to help you to be competitive in the construction and property industries.

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Real Business, Real Stories

Success stories from industrie types we've assisted

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      Parramatta Office

      Level 14, 3 Parramatta Square, 153 Macquarie St, Parramatta NSW 2150

      Hurstville Office

      Suite 294,1 Barratt Street Hurstville NSW 2220

      Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
