Property Investing & Portfolio Services

Maximise Your Wealth for Financial Freedom

Acquiring Properties

Do you want to invest in property? Or perhaps you need advice on your existing portfolio?

We are experts in property tax and planning, we work with a number of expert property advisers so once we have worked out the tax we can refer you to a property expert who will assist in giving you options in selecting the right property of choice for your investment scenario or personal situation.
Buying property can be challenging due to the range of tax and accounting implications. If you need assistance we can help you with:

  • Tax Planning
  • Cash flow Forecasting
  • Forecasting capital growth
  • Advising on the right structure to build your Property Portfolio
  • Advising on the benefits and pitfalls of different property types

We also work with a range of real estate agents and buyers’ agents that can assist you in selecting your next property for you. We do a lot of work with SMSF and a large number of clients to buy property within their Super. You may be surprised how well this can work for you and your situation to gain leverage and an advantage for growing your personal portfolio and investments.


Real Businesses, Real Stories

Success stories from the client we have assisted

Our wealthpreneur® team helps business owners who want to buy properties by providing them with tax planning; cash flow prediction; forecasting capital growth and specific accounting advice.

Like we did with one of our clients who wanted to purchase a $3 million dollar investment property for negative gearing purposes.

We advised him on the various tax strategies he could implement. One option would be to subdivide the property to sell each parcel of land individually or secondly to create an uplift in the property value by obtaining a development approval for the maximum occupancy use allowable within the local council zoning rules and regulations.

For each option, we gave him the tax saving and future capital gains tax consequences.

We also provided him with the best financial deal through our solid networks with leading lenders.

The result was that he had confidence in the deal because he knew what the tax impacts and future profits would be before the deal went ahead.


Business Structuring

We provide our advice to ensure your business is properly structured, so you can have maximum tax benefits, protect your assets and establish a platform for growth.

We provide the following types of business structures:

  • Companies, Partnerships and Trusts to structure for asset protection, income tax minimisation, Capital Gains Tax concessions
  • Professional Practice Service Trusts
  • Business Trading Trusts
  • Property Investment Trusts


Real Businesses, Real Stories

Success stories from the client we have assisted

In 2006, a business client approached wealthpreneur® for advice on buying Pizza Hut franchises. They knew they wanted to buy two stores, but didn’t have a business structure set up or plan for how to best purchase the franchises.

wealthpreneur® provided coaching, effective ideas and business structuring. One important aspect of the coaching was making the client aware of the need to focus on the exit plan and the long-term business plan – not just the first two purchases.

The result was that the client had a solid business structure set up, which enabled them to expand safely, quickly and cost effectively. They bought seven Pizza Hut franchises and, best of all, wealthpreneur® helped them save over $1,000,000 in Capital Gains Tax by tax advisory services and setting up the right business structure

Real Business, Real Stories

Success stories from industrie types we've assisted

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      Parramatta Office

      Level 14, 3 Parramatta Square, 153 Macquarie St, Parramatta NSW 2150

      Hurstville Office

      Suite 294,1 Barratt Street Hurstville NSW 2220

      Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
